Choose the Right Salesforce Partner for YOU

If your organization is considering replacing or upgrading your current technology, but you don’t have the skill-set in-house needed to take on this project, you may consider hiring an expert. Bringing on an experienced consultant can sometimes seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

When it comes to implementing or replacing technology, choosing the right partner is as important as selecting the right software. Consultants are relatively easy to find, but how do you know if they are the right partner for your project and organization? Here are some things to consider when selecting a consulting firm:

Your Needs

When choosing the right consulting firm, assessing what success looks like for your business is an essential part of selecting the right partner. Knowing what you want to achieve helps you weigh value and budget in this process. Understanding what your organization is hoping to accomplish and your most important metrics will help you choose the best partner who can design the right solution to meet your needs. Also look for someone who takes time to learn your business and understands your “Why.” Oftentimes there are teams who can execute and know the product well but fail to understand the business – Finding someone who can connect the dots is the key.

Your Budget

Looking for the most cost-effective Salesforce implementation isn’t always the best decision. The reality is that Salesforce projects can be expensive, but the key is setting a budget. Ensuring you correctly estimate implementation cost, integration, training, and other costs, such as licensing and or support cost, is crucial to the project. Remember the saying, “you get what you pay for.” Find a partner that will work within the bounds of that budget.

What is your timeline?

Timelines are always best addressed from the beginning. Starting this conversation early in the process ensures that your organization and the consultant are on the same page. It also ensures that timeframes are clear and manageable. Experience consultants usually have an idea of implementation timelines. Prioritizing or using a phasing approach can also help increase your chance of having a successful implementation. Aggressive timeliness can be risky but considering a firm that understands and can support a minimum viable product approach helps keep your project on track.

Type of work the consultant has done

It is important to find someone who has had similar clients like you. Ask for work samples and review their case studies and success stories. Request references and follow up with those references with questions such as whether the reference would recommend the consultant, hire them again, and whether they completed the work on time and budget. This is someone who will work with you to make a difference in your company, and the time you spend vetting them will be worthwhile.

Consider your team – your culture

One of the most important things in working with others is finding someone whose business approach, culture, and values align with your own. Ask to meet with the team you will be working with, which will help minimize stress and possible complications if you work well together as a team. Having a consultant who can work well with your team can make a difference in your project’s success.

Final Thoughts

A consulting partner can genuinely make a difference in the success or failure of your business. The process of finding the right one is like hiring a new team member. You don’t only want to make sure they have the skills to do the job, but you also need to consider their cultural fit. When picking the right firm, the more concise you are, the closer you will get to someone that meets your needs.

To see if Kander will be a good fit for your next project, get in touch with us today.


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